Internal helper function
hits1 = NULL,
hits2 = NULL,
r2thr = 0.01,
p1 = 1e-04,
p2 = 1e-04,
p12 = 1e-06,
LD1 = LD,
LD2 = LD,
mode = c("iterative", "allbutone")
object returned by coloc.detail()
lead snps for trait 1. If length > 1, will use masking
lead snps for trait 2. If length > 1, will use masking
named LD matrix (for masking)
r2 threshold at which to mask
prior probability a SNP is associated with trait 1, default 1e-4
prior probability a SNP is associated with trait 2, default 1e-4
prior probability a SNP is associated with both traits, default 1e-5
named LD matrix (for masking) for trait 1 only
named LD matrix (for masking) for trait 2 only
either "iterative" (default) - successively condition on signals or "allbutone" - find all putative signals and condition on all but one of them in each analysis
data.table of coloc results